MAGAZIN. das Beste aus dem Hinterland

MAGAZIN. das Beste aus dem Hinterland


Asparagusissimo, a flattery of the palate

Long was the winter and hard the privation. The gourmet has restrained himself and resisted the temptations to buy asparagus from southern countries. The global economy makes it possible to get any product all year round. The season after which our parents were alive no longer exists in this sense. [...]



Young garlic is delicious vulgarity

You like him and wish him to hell. It is considered an aphrodisiac, but it separates lovers: its controversy, the garlic. No other plant is more Janus-faced than garlic, botanically a lily of the leek genus, called "Allium sativum" by the Latin and "Knofel" by the Austrians.


Flower kitchen: blooming splendor for snacking

The table looked irritated. "Do you think," the host had asked, "that you can make a complete menu with flowers?" The echo was a rather loud no. The more experienced guests probably mumbled something about cress blossoms and geranium ice cream. Candied violets were also [...]


Wild garlic – a medicinal plant that also tastes.

Who can say exactly when a myth begins. For a long time, wild garlic has been ignored, only punked-out green apostles appreciated its idiosyncratic aroma of garlic. Adherents of natural medicine praised it as a benefit for the heart and kidneys, stomach and intestines; the [...]


The egg, homage to the symbol of life

Philosophers may squirm in phrases, but the vernacular will never be surprised at an intellectual egg dance. He formulates his opinion without faxes even when it comes to the symbol of life: "Whether man, whether animal, it remains the same, their origin is a small [...]


The brown trout: a shimmering feast

It is temperamental, shy and stubborn, which anglers misunderstand as capricious, especially after unsuccessful hunting. The best season for brown trout begins in the spring and extends into July; during this time its meat has the finest aroma.

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